Dr. Gozde Yucel

is an accomplished mediator and conflict resolution expert, leveraging her extensive academic background and professional experience to foster effective communication and resolve disputes in the workplace. With a Ph.D. from New York University and postdoctoral research at Stanford University, her transition to conflict resolution was driven by a passion for creating collaborative and empathetic organizational cultures. She is also a published author of a memoir “Kismet”.

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In Kismet, join author Gözde Yücel on an enthralling odyssey that transcends borders, love, and the profound depths of personal transformation.

Kismet: A Turkish-American Woman's Unlikely Story by Gözde Yücel on Spotlight TV

Kismet: A Turkish-American Woman's Unlikely Story of Race, Love, and Personal Transformation
The Book

Kismet: A Turkish-American Woman's Unlikely Story of Race, Love, and Personal Transformation

Unveiling the Unlikely Journey: A Tale of Love, Resilience, and Self-Discovery for Immigrants and the Divorced

  • Kismet isn't just a memoir-it's a testament to the human spirit's resilience.

  • As an immigrant woman, Gözde shares her triumphs and tribulations,
    providing a voice for those who have faced the challenges of starting anew in a foreign land.

  • Divorced or separated, readers will find solace in the universal themes of heartbreak and the eventual empowerment that comes with embracing one's own worth.

  • Kismet is a tale of hope, proving that within the folds of adversity lies the potential for a brighter, more fulfilling tomorrow.

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Coaching in the context of conflict resolution and mediation encompasses a range of services designed to address and manage disputes effectively.

Conflict Assessment and Analysis

Evaluate the dynamics and underlying issues in conflicts to understand the needs and interests of all parties.

Negotiation Support and Guidance

Assist parties in negotiating agreements by providing strategies, facilitating discussions, and helping to explore and evaluate options.

Facilitated Mediation Sessions

Conduct neutral, structured sessions to help parties communicate effectively, with the goal of finding a mutually acceptable resolution.

Training and Workshops

Offer training programs and workshops in conflict resolution, negotiation skills, and effective communication to organizations and individuals.


Dr. Gozde Yucel is an accomplished mediator and conflict resolution expert, leveraging her extensive academic background and professional experience to foster effective communication and resolve disputes in the workplace.



March 2020

Conflict Coaching Certificate

November 2020

Intermediate Conflict Coaching Certificate

February 2024


Healing Emotional Wounds with NFT

The workshop aims to help participants address and heal deep-seated emotional wounds related to past traumas, family or partner relationship problems, guilt, worthlessness, addiction, and social phobia using the Neuro Freedom Technique (NFT).

Group Therapy Session 1: Parental Anger and Devaluation

Group Therapy Session 2: Guilt and Unworthiness

Expected Outcomes:
Participants will gain insights into their emotional patterns, release pent-up negative emotions, and learn practical techniques for self-healing and emotional regulation. The workshop aims to empower individuals to embrace their inherent worth and foster healthier relationships with themselves and others.